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Bodily-Fueled Lamp’s Energy Comes at the Cost of Blood

Posted: 27 May 2012 10:00 AM PDT

[ Filed under Lamps & Lights & in the Furnishings category ]

“What if power came at a cost to the individual?” asks Mike Thomson, the creator of this creepy but intriguing concept lamp that requires a committed effort to keep lit.

It is too easy to forget that there is a price for every convenience. “The average American consumes 3383kwh of energy per year. That's equivalent to leaving the light on in 4 rooms for a whole year. The simple flick of a switch allows us to power appliances and gadgets 24/7 without a thought to where it comes from and the cost to the environment.”

That cost could not be more direct in this case. “For the lamp to work one breaks the top off, dissolves the powder, and uses their own blood to power a simple light. By creating a lamp that can only be used once, the user must consider when light is needed the most, forcing them to rethink how wasteful they are with energy, and how precious it is.” Back in the day a little blood letting was used to cast out evil spirits, so how bad could it really be?

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[ Filed under Lamps & Lights & in the Furnishings category ]

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Idostand iPhone Case Has Two Rotating Arms

Posted: 26 May 2012 05:37 AM PDT

Idostand iPhone case doubles as a stand, developed by industrial designer Allan Ospina. “The Idostand has two rotating arms that allow for the optimal positioning of your iPhone. There are no additional parts, and the case/stand has a hinged system that allow the arms to snap into place whenever they're not in use. “   Via

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Interactive Magic Mirror Controlled via Android

Posted: 26 May 2012 01:23 PM PDT

We’ve seen some neat  interactive mirror projects in the past, and here’s one which integrates bluetooth and multiple external devices.  It’s controlled by IOIO (pronounced yo-yo), an Arduino-type microprocessor. It runs several different apps that can be controlled through an Android phone.

The mirror is actually two-way with an LED matrix behind it.  In addition to displaying basic text, the mirror can also stream video, but the resolution is limited due to the constraints of the LED matrix. Find full details of the project to build your own.

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