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Melbourne’s ‘K’ House is a Special Beach Vacation Spot

Posted: 09 May 2012 11:00 AM PDT

[ Filed under Offbeat & in the Architecture category ]

Homes always reflect the personalities of their owners in some ways, but the K House in Melbourne, Australia goes further than most. The owners’ last name begins with a K, so the entire house was designed around that letter.

The house itself, a vacation beach home, is shaped like a “K” that has been partially rotated in the middle. Ashton Raggatt McDougall Architects designed the house to let the residents enjoy premium ocean views.

The rotated part of the home’s shape serves as a shelter for a carport and outdoor play area.

Inside, a bright, glossy red dominates and brings a sense of drama to the streamlined, modern interior. One of the highlights is a huge floor-to-ceiling K-shaped bookcase housing the family’s collection of over 5000 books.

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With a Twist: Napping Chair Wraps Up to Provide Headrest

Posted: 08 May 2012 05:00 PM PDT

[ Filed under Furniture & in the Chairs category ]

If there is one thing a design student should be familiar with, it is that feeling that if they dim the lights after your all-nighter you will nod off and fall out of your seat in class.

Student  Matte Nyberg has a solution for your sleepy study breaks – a basic chair in most regards, complete with wooden legs and seat cushion, but which stretches upward along one side to give you something soft to lean against.


Matte Nyberg is currently a Masters of Industrial Design Candidate at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, New York. Previously she earned a Bachelors of Design in Architecture from the University of Minnesota.

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