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Rolling Snail Shell Shelter is a Wheely Tiny Portable Home

Posted: 25 Apr 2012 09:00 AM PDT

[ Filed under Portable & in the Architecture category ]

Snails and turtles are so lucky, carrying their homes with them everywhere they go. You can recreate the experience with a huge mobile home, but it isn’t quite the same. This rolling Snail Shell System, designed by N55, is more like the smaller shelters borne by snails: light, tiny and infinitely portable. With just enough room inside for one person, the shelter can be rolled just about anywhere.

Walking behind the wheel as it rolls is one way to move it from here to there, but it can also be turned into a small boat for traversing soggy locales. A resident can move it hamster wheel-style by walking inside, or it can be hitched to a vehicle and towed. Several Snail Shells can be networked to form a temporary community, or a single unit can be stashed in a regular parking space. For particularly hairy situations, the tiny dwelling can even be buried in the ground with only the entrance hatch exposed.

Inside, a gear box holds essentials like water containers, plastic bags, a flashlight, alcohol burner and kettle. A second container functions as a toilet when lined with a plastic bag, though presumably one would only want to use this in an emergency. The Snail Shell system is obviously not meant to be a long-term housing solution, but could be invaluable in the event of a natural disaster that forces quick evacuation.

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Deceptively Flexible: Bending Rubbery Bench is Nice & Cozy

Posted: 24 Apr 2012 05:00 PM PDT

[ Filed under Furniture & in the Benches category ]

The shape of benches conjures vague feelings of discomfort – we know to expect hard wooden or metal surfaces when we see certain visual cues.

This bendable black exception to the rule is downright relaxed by comparison, with both seat and backrest made of materials that flex when you sit or lean.

Daniel Garcia Sanchez calls it a couch, but that title rather ruins the surprise, don’t you think? Regardless, it will give more than most expect when they try it out either way.

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