Hey Geek Girl

Hey Geek Girl! is a tribute art show to women and pop culture at Ltd. Art Gallery in Seattle, Washington. The show is guest curated by author Bonnie Burton, The opening reception is Saturday, May 5, 2012 at 7 PM and the show runs through June 10, 2012.

FEATURING: Jessika Addams, Kari-Lise Alexander, Stephanie Buscema, Mona Collentine, Katie Cook, Jenny Dayton, Jaymee Donelson, Nicole Falk, Lauren Gregg, Hezaa, Kinoko, Vanessa Lemen, Cecy Meade, MISO, Tomi Monstre, Melissa Monosmith, Rachel Moseley, Naomi Nowak, Jen Oaks, Devi Pellerin, Patrushka, Urban Soule, Cat Staggs, Siolo Thompson, Andrea Wicklund, Jasmine Worth, plus additional artwork from DISNEY UNDERGROUND

Lauren Gregg

by Lauren Gregg


Rachel (from Blade Runner) by Siolo Thompson

poster art by Stephanie Buscema