Marvelous Playgrounds by Monstrum

Marvelous Playgrounds by Monstrum

Marvelous Playgrounds by Monstrum

Marvelous Playgrounds by Monstrum

Marvelous Playgrounds by Monstrum

Marvelous Playgrounds by Monstrum

Marvelous Playgrounds by Monstrum

Marvelous Playgrounds by Monstrum

Marvelous Playgrounds by Monstrum

These wonderfully imaginative playgrounds are by Danish playground design firm Monstrum.

We see the world as a place full of colour. We meet boys that like pink and girls that likes trees, so why only play on a monky frame and a sandbox, when you can play in a moon crater or a submarine or a giant spider or an enormous snail or a Trojans horse or a rocket or an ant or a princess castle. The fantasy is infinite.

via Super Punch